**** DONE: 1/48 Hawker Tempest V - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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Starting to look like a Tempest Karl, good stuff mate. And just think, once you've moved and settled in, you'll have your own, dedicated modelling room !
Looks great Karl and there is something about a Tempest that attracts, robust looking machine. Got me a book coming with all the in's and out's detail on the Typhoon/Tempest family.
I've always liked the Tempest's big tail, looks like you're doing a fine job!
Good luck with the move. Word of advice from a 20+year professional mover, When you unpack, open one box, empty it, then do another. Don't try to find that "thing you need", that way lies madness, my friend!
oh the wife never lets me unpack unless its "all my airplane rubbish" as she calls it, luckily we are only moving a couple of miles away but our own space will be bliss !
and thanks for the kind words

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