**** DONE: GB-48 1/48 SB2U-3 - Carrier & Maritime Patrol A/C of WWII

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Thanks for the inputs Gents. Ok so a little more. First off re-painted the right panel.

Next I painted the life raft yellow (testers acrylic insigne yellow)

After drying I used a grey pencil to re draw the hold down straps.

I then did a little touchup of the over spill of yellow and gloss costed it.

I also did so touchup of the control stick and worked the IP which appears to be the same dull dark green as the rest of the cockpit save two black panels around two different interments. I still need to do the black and install the decals.

Front face is green and back is black.
Been working the forward cockpit.

I painted the seat in Testers Metallizer Aluminum and then Vallejo dark green, I then gently rubbed where I wanted ware. I like the results.

seatbelts come unpainted, I laid down a coat of flat black primer and then mixed sand and white till I got the light tan I wanted. I then went over the metal with Metal Colors aluminum, this was all toothpick work

Interments panel with decal in place.


Masked off the metal from the fabric

Shot some metal

Aft cockpit insterments

Gunners seat

Goners turret

Fuselage interior. The aft is the fabric covering. I used Vallejo "aged white"

Front and aft cockpits side by side

makes for a very busy arrangement

All trussed up like a bug.

I like my asparagus but I really like the rubber bands that hold the bundles together.


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OK time for an update. Engine work and cowling.

I had a minor step on the aft fuselage top and to a lesser extent bottom. I used some Mr. Surfacer 500 to fix this, just a toothpick dabbing.

and then on to the engine. I painted the cylinders Vallejo Model Color oily steel and the pushrods the same with the wiring bronze.

I then used Tamiya black panel liner over the whole think and did not go back and clean excess off.

Instructions, we don't need no stinking instructions! The Instructions call for you to build the cowl around the engine. I didn't and ended up having to split one side to fit it around, no biggie but some times, well you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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