The decals are ROP from Czech Republic and are "limited series" of 200. The are very high quality and the only 2 color decals are the upper wing Hinomaru and the thin white border is perfect. They are very thin and opaque. The only drawback is they soften very quickly and there is a limited amount of time to get them positioned. The decal on the starboard side had the center frayed out and I was skillful (lucky) enough to get it to line up with some of the chipped paint.
I have the wing cannons to paint but this is all the rest of the parts. The canopy blead some primer so bad for a clean build but it looks perfect for a decrepit aircraft. Any idea what the stripes on the gear covers are? Hope to get the sturdy bits on this weekend. Happy Turkey Day to all my US viewers and a general best wishes to the rest of you.