**** DONE: GB-60 1/48 Avro Anson Mk.I - Zombie Build

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Nov 16, 2008
Username: Crimea River
First name: Andy
Category: Judge – Non-competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Classic Airframes
Model Type: Avro Anson MkI
Aftermarket addons: None planned. Just some additional scratch-built details.

This project was started back in 2017 as an entry for GB-34 and was ditched after not much was done. Here is the original build thread: >> 1/48 Avro Anson MkI - Prototype / Weird Aircraft / Trainers

I'll hopefully maintain enough enthusiasm to push this one through to completion based on the below scheme of Anson Mk I s/n 9982 of No. 33 SFTS RAF at Carberry, Manitoba in 1941.

Depending how I feel, I may also restart a Fairy Battle in training colours as all the paints that I will need will be similar to this one.
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Nice one Andy and it brings back memories of my childhood, these guys often flying over the house. I did live on a RAF station where there was a squadron if them.
Oh boy, I remember now one of the reasons that I parked this kit. Today I tried to figure out how to locate the roof of the wheel well and the firewall. There are no locating pins and the instructions are about as good as a hand wave so I'm off to my references. Looks like some pics I got from Terry and an online IPMS review will set me straight. Details to come.
Wayne the slave driver, geez!

So below is what the instructions look like. The issue we have is with locating parts A6 and A15 and if we take the instructions literally, it looks like A15 lines up with the front of the nacelle opening.

If you can pardon the fact that I used the inside of this wing as a paint mule, the two next photos show what we are dealing with in reality. Part A6 fits into the nacelle contour but where? Here? Note that A15 is well back of the nacelle face to make this work.

How about here? Hmmmm....

Doesn't look right I agree, BUT there's some logic to it being there. If you flip the wing over and look at the opening, we see that it is bell-shaped and that the wider part at first glance seems to be where the undercarriage struts fit into the wider opening.

Even more so if you try to ft the struts further back - the opening is too narrow.

HOWEVER....... it turns out that the last pic above is indeed where the struts go when you look at reference photos. The wider part of the opening is there to accommodate a couple of axle extentions which are probably for attaching tow bars (see below pic given me by Terry).

So, the rear part of the opening needs to be made more openinger, like so:

And then we have to translate the location of part A15 back up to the inside of the wing to locate A6. I pencilled a couple of marks there.

On top of that, one needs to be really careful that A15 is correctly oriented so that the nubs line up with the opening to allow the struts to be positioned. Good thing this plane has a flat dihedral otherwise it would be almost impossible to make sure the struts are vertical.

With A6 thus located, it was glued in place with both TET and CA, the latter to hopefully prevent A6 from coming loose. Here's how it all looks when glued together. Note that A15 is well back of the nacelle opening.

That was tough. The wing uppers are also now glued in place and the cowls added. Fits are good.

Thanks for looking in.
Well done Andy.

Just found ...

the source: Avro Anson Mk.I by John Valo (Classic Airframes 1/48)

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