**** DONE: GB-60 1/48 Nakajima Ki-43-ll Hayabusa - Zombie Build

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I'll get a picture up for you shortly Andy. As I am strictly acryilcs, I more worried about particulates than odor so I've hay-wired one of the wife's spare pillow cases to the exhaust to catch over spray and if the wife ever reads this....I did not use one of your spare pillow cases on my spray booth.
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Thanks all. Glenn, its the kids old play room. If you look closely you can see where they beat the crap out of the walls. For Andy, my exhaust system

As I mentioned, I'm only trying to trap over spray and I'm still wearing a respirator. Anyhoo.....spritzing started with the canopy and inside of the cowl

I'll let this dry and decide what colour of Vallejo Metallic to use

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