**** DONE: GB-60 1/48 Nakajima Ki-43-ll Hayabusa - Zombie Build

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Thanks all. Moving on. While I never had problems with the other options on this sheet, Rising Decals seems to have crapped the bed on this option. (A) This is supposed to end in a point at the front end of the cowling. I also had to cut the decal at the back end of the cowling to accommodate the open flaps. (B) In a few photos there is a black ring around the 41st Squadron emblem though I have seen one where there is no dark ring so perhaps this was at the beginning of the adding the markings stage. (C) Rising had one paint white down to a panel line on the rudder. Problem is, they made the decal too short. They did, however, make the stripes 3mm too long. So now I'm faced with fixing two things that I have never been successful at, masking around decals without destroying decals. With my first two attempts I gloss coated over the decals, waited a day, masked, painted and proceeded to lift up bits of the decal with the tape. Maybe third time lucky

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That sucks a bit. I'm sure you will de-tack the tape to the point where it's barely staying on. Post-it Notes are good for that too but they can be quite sticky.
One of the options Vic. I have just clear coated the offending area and will do again in a bit. I'll finish up with the decals before I attempt repairs. One good thing is there isn't a lot of carrier film on the decals so the arrow head should be easier than masking over the red stripes
Just a bit of drama Wayne. I detacked so much that there was bleed under so I wiped it off and free handed. Not the best but close enough. Two more decals underneath and then I can start with the lil bits. Not gonna worry about weathering as the paint was just stripped off and never ran very for long after. Hopefully done before I head back

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