**** DONE: GB-64 1/48 P-51D ( I ) - One Trick Pony (1 Viewer)

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Thanks all. Started on tother side, from the wing tip in. First decal went on smoothly, a bit of tenting to be dealt with. Disaster with the second one. The front folded over on itself and broke into several pieces, about a cm from the leading edge. I was anticipating something would happen so I already had several photo copies of the decal sheet with stripes. At the bottom you can see a long green bar which I'm assuming is for such an event. So, I take the photocopy and cut out above the white bar. I then laid it on the long green bar and cut around the copy with a hobby knife


I laid the spare piece on top of the ruined decal, about 4mm north of the yellow bar. I was worried about a ridge from the two pieces overlapping but you can't even tell where the fix was

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Thank you. This is where the whole project may go sideways. Four decals need to be butted together on the horizontal tail surfaces. I cut out the tail end piece of the copy to get a feel for the fit but it seemed to ride to high (1) so I thought I would start at the outside edge and work in. The third piece lined up perfectly with the joint line. Now comes the possible problem. The decal that is represented by the piece I cut out needs to lay flush on the stab and the fuselage and bend at (2). I'm beginning to understand the big bar of green

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