*** DONE: Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/48 Bf 109G-2

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Decals done; I chose "F" model balkenkreuze (with black outline) for this "Yellow 7". I didn't find any photo of this aircrat where we can see the balkenkreuze. But, numerous Bf 109G-2s, but not all, of this unit, wore this "F" type during Summer 1942.

Now I'm going to wait 2 days before applying a coat of gloss varnish. This will give me time to work on his brother in arms.
I would like to thank Wayne Little for his precious help.
Ok!! Now you have me wanting to weather my current 109 build. Certainly what you have done has created a very nice, 3D, finished look. Not sure about 'quite new' (my default and very plain builds), but, again, nicely done.

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