Don't Cry

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Those are the most trying times of our lives. I still vividly remember my Dad's services at Arlington- the riderless horse leading a horse-drawn caisson, the rifle salute, the presentation of the folded flag to my Mother, and the playing of "Taps". One never forgets a solemn ceremony like that!
Yup. When I remember being handed my dad's flag from the Air Force officers and then the slow salute, I can't keep my face dry.
Seems ghoulish to me. Film someone going through quite possibly the worst moment of their lives and then post online for others to watch. Sick!
You're quite entitled to your opinion but as one who has had his brother interred by a full military service following death in combat Vietnam I beg to differ.
You're quite entitled to your opinion but as one who has had his brother interred by a full military service following death in combat Vietnam I beg to differ.
Well, that wasn't the reason I posted. It was just a reminder that not everything is good. There is some bad or sad involved. The military exists to protect this country and the people and laws contained therein. It is not always an adrenaline high going into combat. Not as Hollywood portrays. I posted this as a solemn reminder that there is a whole another area involved. I mean, if we follow your opinion on this, we should shut down this whole website because it is just glorifying a horrible war and all involved in that war. If we keep ignoring or erasing things like military funerals or even statues, there is no hope for us.
You're quite entitled to your opinion but as one who has had his brother interred by a full military service following death in combat Vietnam I beg to differ.
Sorry Emu, my response wasn't meant for you. I hit the wrong button.

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