What puts the lie to that is the fact that Rescke was able to turn inside the Tempest, get his guns on it, and then continue to close and get his guns on it again. W.O. Mitchells Tempest stalled in a turn and then spun into the ground while Reschke writes that he was nowhere near his aircrafts limmits and had perfect control sensitivity.
What other Tempest pilots? There were non engaged by the Ta 152's. Those pilots were smoking an early form of weed are engaged Me 109's or FW 190's.
Short was Mitchell's element leader, now he identified the attackers as 109s, and the plane which shot down Mitchell as 109E, so either they were 109s and Mitchell was shot down by a 109 or they were 152s. Short claimed that he outturned the othet German plane and claimed it as damaged. Shaw was the number 2 of the 4 plane Tempest formation ie the wingman of the formation leader W/C Brooker, and he claimed a lonely 190 at right time and at right place, according to him "a strike just forward of the cockpit." and both used gun camera so they had something on the film on the combats.