Downed Plane in Paris - ID Help Needed

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Dec 3, 2008
Hey guys!

Just picked up a photo album and found this interesting photo. Any idea of what type of plane it is? Thanks ahead of time!


  • Plane in Paris.jpg
    37 KB · Views: 418
I could be wrong, but judging by the style of dress, and the vehicle in the picture, the Dewoitine might be being prepared for exhibition, immediately post war? I think this same aircraft might be in the Musee D'l Air, Paris, today.
Intersting picture, nice find.
Nice guys!! Yes, the album covers the period directly after the war. I believe this photo came from late may of 45. It would be neat if the plane is still in the museum! Another interesting photo that may be related is this one - I think it is a display of captured SS and hitler documents not sure though


  • SS.jpg
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My novice status notwithstanding, a question for the linguistically talented out there: / / / / Can anyone give me a hint as to how this word is pronounced in French? (sound it Deh-wah-tahn...?) --is that close? Cactus
Good question! I've never heard it spoken but I always imagined it was' Dyoo - oy-teen'. Can any Frenchie give the correct pronunciation?
The first "e" almost has a long "a" sound as in "day". The closest I can describe it without being able to speak it here, would be "day-wah-teen".

I've looked on youtube to see if I could find anyone talking about the plane, but no luck. Some good clips there though.

My son, fairly fluent in the language, confirms this pronunciation.

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