Drawings of Spitfire Mk.IX seat and instrument panel

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Oct 17, 2021
Hello, would someone here be able to provide me with drawings of spitfire seat and instrument panel?
I recently built the controls from authentikit site and would love to take a step further towards a more immersive cockpit experience for flying the flying irons spitfire in Microsoft flight simulator.
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Hi G-Maniac, email sent!
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Hi T TonyT : Great Pictures! But I guess this is a PR.MK.XI, not the MK.IX: I noticed the camera actuator box where the gun sight should be. Am I right?
Not sure which I've uploaded I have hundreds of spit drawings, ignore the photos as that's the RR MK XIX
Nice drawings but i.m.h.o. not usable for building a new Seat from scratch. Is there any one outthere who had detailed drawings of a MkIX Spitfire Seat? ( manufacturing drawings).
Kind regards, Cees van der Leeuw
If you actually look at the bottom corner of the above three drawings you will see they are the factory assembly drawings. If the factory can assemble a seat from those why cant you. It does not matter if the wall thickness of the tubes you use is thicker or even if the seat is made out of metal a little thicker or thinner because you are not building full size or airworthy.

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