Duxford....Birds in Theirs Nests

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Yep, a great selection Jeff - and reminds me of the heavy rain on the Monday !
And I've just remembered, I haven't finished posting the Spitfire and Hurricane info in the BoB 75th thread - better get my Rs in gear !
Yep, a great selection Jeff - and reminds me of the heavy rain on the Monday !
And I've just remembered, I haven't finished posting the Spitfire and Hurricane info in the BoB 75th thread - better get my Rs in gear !

And I have not yet started my Hendon visit thread.....lazy ba$tard!
So much of my "spare time" is now being spent on researching the paint scheme for our Hurricane restoration. I'm preparing a drawing and a report summarizing the evidence of the scheme we are going to end up with. May get something started over the holidays.

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