I'm new here, but glad I found you!
Has ANYONE -- ANYHOW come up with a patch, or fix, or device, or gee-gaw that will allow me to use BOTH my Saitek Cyborg Graphite USB and CH ProPedal USB in EAW on Windows XP.
I used a joystick and rudder before, But on Win 98 and game port. I know EAW is capable of seeing both pieces of hardware, but CH says it can't. I saw an article in my searches that the code for EAW was being released. Any help there?
I would be grateful!
Has ANYONE -- ANYHOW come up with a patch, or fix, or device, or gee-gaw that will allow me to use BOTH my Saitek Cyborg Graphite USB and CH ProPedal USB in EAW on Windows XP.
I used a joystick and rudder before, But on Win 98 and game port. I know EAW is capable of seeing both pieces of hardware, but CH says it can't. I saw an article in my searches that the code for EAW was being released. Any help there?
I would be grateful!