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Note the under-belly CoG weight, adjustable to counter the effects of nose armour, and depleting fuel in the petrol cabin heater ................
Does ANYone have even an educated guess as to "what's under the 'cover'/'shell' on this P-39?

I see the P-63 and other P-39s in the background ... could this be an experimental smoke-generator (since its outlet is behind the exhaust stacks, and while flying, the exhaust "jets" in front of that "outlet" would help disperse the smoke once the pilot flipped a switch to release the smoke chemical)??? ...just a-wild a$$ed guess.
It very well could be a smoke generator, I do not have a better idea as to what it actually is. But Judging by the early national markings on the A/C in the picture. I don't think the plane with the 4 bladed prop is a P-63, I think it is a P-39 with a 4 bladed prop. Probably an experimental installation like what ever is mounted above the engine of the P-39 in question.

I hope some one else has a better answer!
It was part of a mockup for a turbo charger installation to gather drag data.
Since they didn't install a real turbocharger there was no reason to actually hook up the exhaust pipes.
They figured about a 30-40mph speed loss at altitudes where the Turbo was not effective (low altitudes)
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