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B-17F-5-VE 42-5714 Old Faithfull Delivered Cheyenne 3/9/42; Assigned 423BS/306BG [RD-S] Thurleigh 16/5/43 OLD FAITHFUL; transferred 323BS/91BG Bassingbourn 11/9/43; transferred 322BS [LL-S]; Missing in Action Schweinfurt 14/10/43 with Bob Slane, Co-pilot: Joe Johnson, Bombardier: Bill Runner, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Sherman Sly, Radio Operator: Vic Kuhlman, Ball turret gunner: Lou Brown, Waist gunner: Chas Croth, Waist gunner: Bob Solomon (8 Prisoner of War), Navigator: Art Foster (EVD-ret UK 19/9/44),Tail gunner: Claud Smith (Killed in Action); enemy aircraft KO'd #3 & #4, crash landed on rail line S of Metz, Fr. Missing Air Crew Report 899. Salvaged by Luftwaffe, and restored to be used by KG 200 for spares.

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