eBay: Japanese airplanes and other hardware. (1 Viewer)

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Hugo Junkers F 13 Zivil-Flugzeug Lufthansa in Tokio Japan


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Not the end of the world,but I posted this yesterday.


Not sure if you're aware, but this thread, which focuses on Japanese aircraft photos posted at eBay, is 10 years old.

So if it's seen on eBay, it'll be seen here.
Not sure if you're aware but this thread is on a WW.II board. It is possible to argue for 1937 or even at a stretch 1931 as the start of WW.II as far as Japan and China are concerned.The aircraft shown was handed over to the Japanese as reparations in 1920. The interwar board is imho the correct place for this link.

But since I was addressing Snautzer in any event and since you are not part of the moderating team, your opinion is in any event irrelevant.
Not sure if you're aware but this thread is on a WW.II board. It is possible to argue for 1937 or even at a stretch 1931 as the start of WW.II as far as Japan and China are concerned.The aircraft shown was handed over to the Japanese as reparations in 1920. The interwar board is imho the correct place for this link.

But since I was addressing Snautzer in any event and since you are not part of the moderating team, your opinion is in any event irrelevant.
Ahh, but lo and behold, this is not a private conversation, it is open to comments by the membershup and again, this thread covers all japanese types: WWI, Interwar and WWII.

So go and cry to someone who gives a shit about your opinion.
Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa captured beute americqn star USAAF 345th Bomb Gr 500th Bomb SQ Hollandia


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