Eduard 1/48 Fw 190A-8

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Senior Airman
May 29, 2009
Well it's been quite a while since I've posted on the forums, hope everyone is doing well in this crazy world.

I've been working on a few kits for a couple of years with a lot of scratch built parts, this is a break from that and is an out of box build for the most part. I used the Aires wheel wells because I manged to lose some parts of the kit ones. I can't believe the size of some of the parts I lose as I get older. I'll have to say that the Aires part is nothing but a pain in the butt with the sanding, fitting, sanding, fitting, sanding, correcting parts sanded through and so on. The kit parts on kits are just as nice and fit much better. I also replaced the gun barrels with metal tube.

Anyway, here are the pics of the finished project.


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Thanks Andy. I still have a couple of WIP threads for the TBF and Arado on here that need to be finished. I have the Arado pulled out and will be updating that thread pretty soon.

Just realized that I didn't get the wingtip lights painted on this. I'll get it done, but just imagine these pics already reflect that as I won't be updating them. :p

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