I have heard and seen in print numerous references to field modifications made by pilots ground crew to Commonwealth Buffaloes to lighten their weight and thereby increase their performance. This apparently included either replacing 0.50" HMGs with 0.30" LMGs or removing some MGs altogether.
I know of only one instance wherein a US Pilot made a concerted effort to lighten his ship. This was 17th Pursuit Squadron's 1st Lt. John Brownwell who, arriving at Del Monte Airfield in early January, 1942, and assigned to perform recon missions, removed 4 of his 6 HMGs as well as his O2 equipment and Radio. The aircraft's quirky handling characteristics ultimately killed a young pilot who, unfamiliar with its idiosyncrasies attempted to land it while making a simple transfer to a nearby airfield.
Does anyone know of or ever seen in print an instance where pilots/crew attempted to make the P-40E lighter by removing two of the six 0.50" MGs? I know that later in its service life that was done in subsequent marks but was it ever done in the PTO in early to mid 1942 by units/pilots of the USAAF, RAAF or RNZAF?