Ejection Seat Meteors.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I promised Venganza some pics of the Meteors used by Martin Baker for ejection seat testing; this is what I've found so far.
V, I was wrong about the red Meteor, I was getting confused with those used as drones/ drone chasers, at Llanbedr! Also, contrary to what I said about the MB Meteor, I think one might still be use at Chalgrove. The colour and 'newer' pics are from Fly Past magazine, 1992. The last two, which I've had since 1963, show Bernard Lynch, who did the first 'live' ejection test in July 1946, and a static-test Meteor 'in action'.
As these pics are intended as aids in a modelling project, I've cropped one, to show the smoke stains around the rear cockpit, where various seats have been fired. I'm fairly sure I've got some more somewhere, and I'll post them if I (ever) find them!


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Thanks a lot, Terry! Great pictures. When I do this model, I do want to make sure I get the stains around the rear cockpit correct - these pictures will certainly help. I believe one of the original "Mk.7.5's" is in a museum and the other two may still be flying for M.B. at Chalgrove. Bernard Lynch - that isn't Biggles in the sixth picture? That would explain why Algie's not around. Below are the two pictures I have - evidently from some airshow (I don't remember when the airshow took place - I downloaded the pictures from the Internet). You're right about the Llanbedr drones (U Mk 16's and/or 21's - converted F.8's), they were red with yellow topsides. I suppose I'll eventually have to do one of these, if just for the striking paint scheme. One of the High Speed Meteors was painted overall yellow, and was nicknamed the "Yellow Peril", although it wasn't the record setter.



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Beaut Shots Terry! thanks for sharing ,An interesting thing to model

Looking forward to the pics Venganza!

Of a Meteor 7.5? Oy gevalt! I've got to get my IL-2's done first, and that has to wait on my scraping together enough quid for a new airbrush (I know, there are always excuses). Once I get my Shturmoviki done, though, I think I may start on the Martin-Baker Meteor (I have the decals for the silver one, but that all-black one looks tempting). Interesting birds, with lonngggg histories!

, I was wrong about the red Meteor, I was getting confused with those used as drones/ drone chasers, at Llanbedr!

Hi Terry, for your info, one of the red Meatboxes was put up for sale by the DSA. It was eventually sold and is now parked up at the museum here on Boscombe Down, I believe on loan (I may be wrong, Rocketeer may be able to shed some light on it....over to you Tony ?)
Thanks Gary. I wonder what happened to the drone chaser/test Javelin that was used at Llanbedr? I was there on, er, 'business' around '95, and lo and behold, on the pan outside the main hangar, a red and yellow Javelin, of all things! There were also some recently retired Phantoms, out on the field, acting as decoys. Sad to see those bent-wing birds like that.
Airframes old chap....dont you mean Sea Vixen? The yellow/red Vixen ended up in Red Bull colours and mighty lovely she was...flying privately back in FAA colours now...will post a piccie when I can....the red Meteor is on loan to Boscombe Down museum
Tony, you are quite right, it was a 'Vixen! Must have had a mental abberation when I wrote Javelin! So that's where it went; must say, it looked very nice, and brightly coloured, on that particularly cold, wet day, following a somewhat hairy crosswind landing, after letting down through cloud, over a very unfriendly-looking sea.

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