@ Snautzer...WOW!!! INCREDIBLE PHOTOS - MANY THANX!!!! One of the guys at chow looks remarkably like my father. He was an Aviation Machinist Mate with Navy CASU 34, stationed initially at Kwajalein in March of '44, then bounced between Parry Eniwetok from May '44 for the duration. Those declassified weekly Naval Aircraft Location reports had CASU 34 on Parry in Aug 8th report - then on Eniwetok in next report of Aug 15, 1944. I assume the exact date of this transfer lies somewhere in the filing gap. Given ccheese's account of the August 9 runway tragedy, I have to wonder if the transfer was a routine coincidence or a necessitated by the loss/damage to personnel and equipment.
Any additional photos/info/guidance on CASU 34 and base ops would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Does anyone have any info regarding a possible CASU 34 isignia? I've seen a few for some of the other CASUs...