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the ranks page doesnt exist anymore

Les, the transition from IE to FireFox is easy, Firefo can import ur bookmarks and passwords, homepage and other settings from IE to save time
Ok now since we went from the old to the new one I can not upload pictures and it is starting to become a pain in the ass. I am using imageshack and it has worked great until now.

Please could you help me.

loomaluftwaffe said:
the ranks page doesnt exist anymore

Les, the transition from IE to FireFox is easy, Firefo can import ur bookmarks and passwords, homepage and other settings from IE to save time

Will be recreating the ranks system, and let you know what the requirements are
I got a couple things on a punch list Dave that I'll throw out now....

Need a bigger icon for "go to last post" on the New posts page and forum listings.... The one now is VERY small....

U cannot preview ur post WITH ur attached pics, which is rather annoying...

U used to have it set up that there was an auto refresh every time u went back to the previous page.... I use the site through the New Posts area, and it does not refresh automatically anymore...

It seems u cannot quote a specific part of someones post, its either the whole post, or u have to copy/paste the text u want to quote, then highlight it again, hit the quote button icon, and then type in that users name.... Rather tedious...

I'll think of more, but those are off the top o me melon...
apart from the quote issue i only have one problem, hopefully an easy one to fix, if you're in a thread in say the aviation forum, and have read down to the bottom, and can't contribute with a post, where there used to be a link back to the forum at the bottom, you now have to scroll right back to the top to get the link back to the forum you came from, it's just annoying to have to do everytime, other than that the site's great, cheers.......
Dont know why, this is easy enough...

One problem ive noticed the last couple of days is that some threads are telling me there's a new post, yet when I go into it posts havent been made for months/years...Most annoying...
I do not receive any E-mail notification on topics if there were replies and neither if I get a PM the past few days and I did switch it on in my User CP.
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