F-117A, U-2 and Half of the B-52 Fleet Many Go Away

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When I worked for Boeing I was an inspector. By trade I was a QE....

I knew a few pico guys, one of them went to lockeed on the JSF - Terry Dagy, Ron Naylor - ring any bells?
I didn't get too involved in the manufacturing end. The names don't sound familar but I forget easy.

One other B-2 story you may have heard. After the contract was let, the AF cleared Jack Northrop one day to see the program. He said "Now I know why God has kept me alive." He was crushed when the AF destroyed the YB-49 and never again ran the company. I saw him that day from afar. He was in a wheel chair.
I heard that they showed him a model of the B-2 and he wept...

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