Agree - I don't give much credence in late model Soviet designs (SU-37, especially the SU-47) although innovative, they were designed on shoe string budgets and maintained the old Soviet way of thinking, "keep it simple and make it work." Not denying their capability I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that if examined closely these aircraft will reveal many flaws that will limit their capability during a combat deployment. Not underestimating their capability, every Russian combat aircraft I've had the opportunity to come in contact with meets the mission requirement but give up something in the end. Current contemporary western aircraft have those limitations dealt with either during design or deployment....Soren said:The SU-37 is definitely more agile than the F-22, but that doesn't matter much as the F-22 will probably shoot down the SU-37 before it gets anywhere near close enough to show it superiority in aerial agility.
My opinion....