F6F over Europe

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 9, 2015
This kind of came from the F6F vs P-47 thread. Since I don't want to divert the thread, I'm curious if anybody has stories, statistics/information as to how the F6F did compared to the various European fighters and bombers of the era.

I'm also uncertain if the F4U saw any use with the FAA over Europe: Same questions apply.
statistics/information as to how the F6F did compared to the various European fighters and bombers of the era.
Some good starting info here Hellcat and Corsair vs. Messerschmidt 109 and FockWulf 190

This statement on Wikipedia makes no sense to me, Grumman F6F Hellcat - Wikipedia

The Pacific War being a naval war, the FAA Hellcats primarily faced land-based aircraft in the European and Mediterranean theaters, and as a consequence experienced far fewer opportunities for air-to-air combat than their USN/Marines counterparts;

Surely fighting over the ETO and Mediterranean gave plenty of opportunities for combat?

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