Facebook plans on building Metaverse

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Sep 19, 2006
This annoyed me, Facebook's plan for a Metaverse.

Building the Metaverse Responsibly - About Facebook

The "metaverse" is a set of virtual spaces where you can create and explore with other people who aren't in the same physical space as you. You'll be able to hang out with friends, work, play, learn, shop, create and more. It's not necessarily about spending more time online — it's about making the time you do spend online more meaningful.

Nice words, but what it actually means is that it's social media version 2. So like Facebook but totally engulfed in virtual reality. Why the f### does anyone want that? Sounds to me like a very bad idea. What do you guys think?
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I don't participate in any of the social media. In addition, I don't have a cell phone. I find that those who have such devices, never answer when I call, they can't find them or the battery is dead. How do I handle emergencies, you ask? The same as I have for the last 81 years. I figure if I need to make an emergency call, enough people standing around taking videos will make one for me.
I don't answer most calls on my iPhone. I let it go to voicemail. If it's a real call, I call back. People I want to speak with have special ring tones. In emergency situations it's great to have this device. I can contact the world and get locations like when I had to rush my wife to the hospital at 2:00am. I could fix the location of the hospital and open pharmacies when she was released on a Sunday. I don't have a landline.
I don't answer most calls on my iPhone. I let it go to voicemail. If it's a real call, I call back. People I want to speak with have special ring tones. In emergency situations it's great to have this device. I can contact the world and get locations like when I had to rush my wife to the hospital at 2:00am. I could fix the location of the hospital and open pharmacies when she was released on a Sunday. I don't have a landline.

Once again, GMTA. I screen my calls, answer the ones I know and love, ignore the spam, and use my phone to get travel information when I'm on the road, relieving me of the need to open the laptop.

I don't use Apple products, though.
I don't participate in any of the social media. In addition, I don't have a cell phone. I find that those who have such devices, never answer when I call, they can't find them or the battery is dead. How do I handle emergencies, you ask? The same as I have for the last 81 years. I figure if I need to make an emergency call, enough people standing around taking videos will make one for me.
No they will not.

They are so self centred that none of them will call emergency.

Like others above I do not use fArsebook.

Like Thumpa and SaporatRob I screen my calls. I have both Apple and Android and am not sure which p155es me off the most. In PNG you need both Digicel and Telikom numbers as the two networks do not always play well together (tho better than originally when they did not play at all).
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