Fairey Battle parts

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Oct 19, 2022
Hi gentlemen,

Maybe you can help me to identify those Fairey Battle parts I have in my possession.

My grand-father was Amifontaine's teatcher, on the "Chemin des dames" zone, and when he came back from war after june 1940, he took some parts of a wrecked plane on the Amifontaine's airfield, where the 12nd squadron was during the may 40 offensive.

After few researches, I found that the most probable plane would be this Fairey Battle :

"serial number: L5249, PH-D
operation: Luxembourg
damaged: 10/05/1940; later abandoned.
P/O C.L. Hulse - unhurt
Sgt A. Young - wounded in shoulder
LAC J. Aitkin - unhurt

Took off from Amifontaine. Returned badly damaged by ground-fire during low-level attack on enemy armoured column on the Luxembourg-Junglinster road, 17.30 hrs. Aircraft damaged, but repairable. Later abandoned."

The plane was partially destroyed or burnt when the airfield was abandonned. Pilot Hulse died few weeks later from desease in a hospital, with no link with his last mission over Luxembourg.

If somebody find more informations about the crew or the plane, I would love to see it !

Now the parts, I'm not sure of what they are, or even if they are from the Fairey Battle, specially the switches :

O² bottles
1 -


Various structural parts





Fuse box panel (inscriptions about fuses, landing lights, etc)




And in bonus, a wheel my grand-father also took before the second war in the vicinity of Amifontaine, that I imagine could be from a ww1 Sopwith Camel :


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