Fifi #2 engine damaged

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
Apparently in the last airshow of the season, Fifi had a loss of power. The crew returned safety and now the following website has been created.

Keep FiFi Flying A2

She's the last flying B-29 Superfortress in the world. But now she's at risk…

During the last airshow flight of the season, the number two engine experienced a loss of power. The crew returned safely to the airport, but it was soon determined the engine would need major repairs. At nearly $10,000 and 100 volunteer hours per hour of flight, keeping FIFI in the air is daunting.

This iconic B-29 is a traveling piece of military history. FIFI flies to air shows and tour stops all over the country giving children of all ages the sight, smells and sounds of history. These personal experiences perpetuate the spirit in which these aircraft were flown in defense of our nation –honoring the courage, sacrifice and legacy of the greatest generation. FIFI represents that generation and the best of America.

Our goal is to raise $250,000 to repair the damaged engine and to purchase a spare engine ensuring continuous operation and flight. Please help us!

Your tax deductible donation will keep FIFI flying!
thats a shame. iirc they had engine problems prior to her final proving flights. i had the chance to see her and know the flight engineer's wife. a lot of time, sweat, hope, and money were spent getting her into the air the first time...would be a shame if it was her last.
The reason they moved her from Midland, Texas (that's in west Texas) to Addison, Texas (just north of Dallas, Texas) and stationed her at Cavanaugh Flight Museum is because Jim Cavanaugh paid $2 million of the $3 million dollar cost for the new engines. Wiki states it as.......

Over the next three plus years, the original Wright R-3350-57AM engines were exchanged for new engines built using parts from later model engines that powered the Douglas A-1 Skyraider and Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar during the Vietnam War, a custom built combination of the Wright R-3350-95W and Wright R-3350-26WD engines.

In fact, I think they call them R-3350-B29 engines now.
They need to go to Vietnam. There are tons of R-3350's for Skyraiders in sealed cans sitting around. Bring tires, Jepps, and parts for the trucks left there when the war ended and you can get some.
I am pretty sure they got this squared away.

Fifi is scheduled to be touring this year again. She is confirmed for the Rockford Airfest I will be attending this summer.
Fifi has been fixed for a while now. In fact, she is flying in Mesa, AZ this weekend as part of the CAF tour.

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