**** FINISHED: 1/48 P-38J - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
Well after much grimacing over the paint I have decided to call this one finished.I went back and actually repainted some silver from to much handling along the boom area and could of still maybe used alittle more in that area.The antee was done different this go for me I always had issue with the cables snapping to easy or hard to attach to a tail.So, this time I pulled out the razor saw cut a diagonal slot dropped the line super glue and painted much easier than in the past.I thank you guys for the interest and encouragement on this build a first time finishing one in awhile.The canopy for the Mossie is almost completly masked and should be done in aday or two, ;) Cheers


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Thanks Andy and Wojtek I would only give myself an 80% at best on this one so many areas I would like to improve on.
Good stuff Kevin, and it's given me a kick up the *rs* to finish the few things on my Academy P-38 !!

Yea I know what you mean Terry I am thinking of putting the kosher on some unfinished peojects before I open another box :) :rolleyes:
Love the blue :) The model turned out great :) just need some shades for that aluminum in the sun :)
I am glad all you guys like her I think I could do much better myself.Even though the Mk 22-24 was not natural metal I might pose it that way and take the hit on the judging :dontknow: Thanks again ;)
Thanks Guys much appreciated there.To think this is the same process that I used on the Mk22/24 but I forgot to apply the gloss black!all the way down to the same exact bottle of polished aluminum paint,night and day!!.Again Thanks ;) Cheers Kevin

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