First Look - Meng's 1/48 Me410

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Nov 16, 2008
Hyperscale has peeked into Meng's brand new 410 kit. Pictures and observations here: Meng Model Kit No. LS-001 - Messerschmitt Me 410 B-2/U4 Review by Brett Green

As the review says, comparisons with the Revell/Promodeler offering will be inevitable so I'll start now . Meng's separate control surfaces are a real plus and something more manufacturers should strive for in my opinion. This is an advantage over the Revell kit but both do not make the leading edge slats capable of being deployed. Revell's wheel wells were very poorly detailed and it looks like Meng made an effort. Revell seems to have beaten Meng in the radiator area, having made the louvers separate with nicely detailed actuators. Revell's supercharger intakes were wrong and somehow Meng's don't look quite right to me either. Revell's props had the correct shape, not that odd pointy shape of Meng's.

Looks like a beautiful kit though and I'm looking forward to see someone do one here.
Good stuff Andy, and I agree, overall it looks to be a nice kit. Is this a new 'Meng Dynasty'? (I'll get me coat later).
The props and other minor areas look like they can easily be rectified, and the price looks very good too (approx £27), given there's no change at UK prices.
I'm hoping to get to Cosford again in June, for their air show, and if possible I want to get there the day before (subject to travel and accommodation arrangements with Karl and Mick). If I'm able to, I'll get in touch with my contact there and see if it's possible to get some more details shots.
do away with the decals and find your own if you ask me, watched closely Bretts thoughts on the model yesterday....... there are so many bomber destroyer options for ZG 26 and 76 if one would put there mind to it. ; do wish the ZG 76 book was published by P. Kassak but he is still gathering info's.

will be interested to see what you guys will be producing in the near future.....
Looked up the HS inbox review as well. While this new Meng offering obviously has some clear cut advantages that come with it being a totally new kit, I do suspect the kit to come with a price tag I for one am not willing to pay (tMeng's latest 1/72 kits change hands for 30-35 euro over here, not including shipping, so I'll let you guys do the math), compared to the revellogram kit which prolly can be found at swap meets or evil bay for as little as 10-15 euro (I know mine didn't cost more then that and it didn't take long to find one once I set out to get my hands on one) I feel the Revellogram kit still stands up well today, especially given the fact that it's a late 1980-ties kit (even though it 's not without it's niggles and flaws) Also, I wouldn't be exactly surprised if Revell all of a sudden would decide to reissue 'their' kit with some new decal options in the $20-25 price range.
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Just shows how prices can vary, country to country. The Revell example, if it can be found in the UK, is normally somewhere in the region of 30 to 35 Euros (£25 average, a lot more in many cases).
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Revell re-released their kit, possibly up-dated and with different decal choices. Neither would it surprise me if Revell (AG) have a 1/32nd scale version up their sleeve.

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