FL Duxford 2011

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Senior Master Sergeant
Thank you for a good news Gary. I only hope that the never ending story with engines failure is over now. Keep my fingers crossed.
Were you at FL in 2008 when there were 3 Forts at once? That was amazing although Sally B was grounded.
I've been to every FL since I moved back to the UK in 2004 !


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here´s a part of the answer I got from the owner of 'February':
Jim (Brooks) will be there as the guest of the "Horseman" formation aerobatic team. "February" will also be there as one of the featured Mustangs in the aerobatic act. Jim is now 90 and will be flying front seat, pilot in command in a TF-51 Mustang. The ASB.tv crew will be making a movie about that flight. Should be really great!
Jim's wish has been to fly a Mustang in his 90th year. Incredible!

That´s why I gotta be there!
And I don't blame you Roman ! I hope you get to meet him too. I'm thinking about going, but it depends on health nearer the date, plus available cash !
I'll let you know if I can go nearer the time.
Two containers have arrived at DX today. Undertsand 'February' and "Fragile but agile" are inside them !
I have not long replaced my old nikon D200 with a D7000 so hope to get a chance to give it good work out at FL hope to see you guys at the beer tent.
Hope you all have a great time. Was looking at going, but my mate Mick, who I was going with, will have just got out of hospital after having a pace-maker fitted, so can't go. Darn !

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