FL Duxford 2011

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I have not gone through all the shots Roman but I have found a few with February in


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It was great to meet you Roman....I did not know it was you until Gary told me as we walked away! Cheers and great to meet you all!

I had the same problem Tony...as I realized that it was you when I was sitting in the plane on the way back home. Tony, you mentioned one Czech pilot who served at 310th Sgdn and that you have a stick from his machine (Spit or Hurry?) at home. What was his name please?
Also this might be interesting for you http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/stories/s-ldr-josef-stehl-k-four-airforces-1603.html
The grip is from a Hurricane shot on 15th Sept 1940, R4087 shot down by a Me109. Pilot was Josef Hubacek. 310 Sqn Duxford. Thanx for the link. I have lots of parts from Czech Hurris
Certainly is ! And especially as it is just after the Squadron was formed, and only days before they moved north, to Speke, Liverpool. Great stuff Tony - you lucky ******** !
thanx chaps.....Josef was flying and fighting with this grip in the morning when he helped shoot down the Dornier that crashed on Victoria station...very famous Battle of Britain incident. Any help in finding out more about this great man appreciated

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