Staff Sergeant
Flak suppression was developed as an artform by Wild Weasel Thud drivers dueling Radar and Sam Sites during Vietnam - but the goal was not to mangle the 23, 37, 67 and 85mm artillary in the rings surrounding the Fan Song sites - it was to kill the gunners and kill the radar site and guided Sam II's. Their load was CBU-24 cluster bobms, 20mm and Shrike missles plus Mk118 and/or M117 iron bombs
Wow, my books are stupid. All they list for the Thuds being used in that role are anti-radar missiles and various countermeasure devices.
On a topic related note, one would think that the best sort of plane for flack suppression would have nose guns for better spray on the way in to the target. Also, being able to carry significant amounts of para-frags, napalm, or bombs would also be a must.