Jon, it's not me playing the kid and changing the rules.
In your previous post you asked two questions and I posted my view of the answer.
In this post you did not reply to my opinions (1) but started some new topic instead.
Now I try to reply to the new concepts you expressed in your last post.
-The scenario of Germany overtake UK and attack USA via Argentina is science fiction, and a misconceived one because the miles to cover would still be too many for the 1945 airplanes.
- yes, Germans did not produced enough material to wreck England.
That was because
1 - FACT - Germans NEVER produced a single strategic bomber (until the HE177, that was ALMOST a strategic bomber). Or, in other words, they never had a concept or a plan to use strategic bombing to win the war.
The fact that they pretended to start BoB with inadeguate material has to be explained in depth by historians, to me it just seems a grossly stupid mistake but for sure reality is more complex to understand.
2 - PERSONAL OPINION - In any case, was impossible for Germany alone to produce enough strenght for an effective strategic bombing campaign.
Strategic bombing is expensive stuff, only the cooperation of 3 powers (USA, UK and Russia) could put together enough resources to have an effective CONTRIBUTE in defeating a 4th power. And it took them two years of continuous effort.
Each of the 3 powers would have been defeated (in the air war over Germany, not in the whole WW2) if they had to run the strategic bombing campaign alone, without the support of the other 2.
So, since there is no reason to believe that UK defenses would have been less tough and motivated than German ones, it seems to me impossible that Germany could have won a SB campaign over England, even if they had built the 'right' airplanes.
Well, maybe with the 8th air force on their side and Packard building and shipping hurdles of DB605 instead of Merlins, and Russians keeping half of RAF blocked in the East.... Just a paradox, but gives an idea of the proportions involved.
- About VIETNAM and bomb-per-ass ratios, the point is that strategic bombing wil never WIN the war alone (excluding chemical or nuclear annihilation).
It CONTRIBUTE a lot to weaken the defenses, see WW2, but to win the war you still have to do it the old way, that is bring your troops to take control of the territory.
This is what Allied and Russians did with Germany and US did not in Vietnam. Again, why US Army did not proceed to invade the Vietnamese territory is Historians matter, I personally have not enough knowledge to express a public opinion.
(1) I am the first to accept the concept that opinions are like as****les, everyone has his own.