"Flying Legends" airshow, Duxford, 2016.

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It may be the first green ale of the day but the pic was taken at 05:45 hrs....the start of your day!

Great thread, really liked the Mk.5 photos although I am of a different opinion than most, I am not a fan of the clipped wing Spittys although they are better than the extended wing tip ones. (MK 8s ?)

Great report and looks like another great event in the books for Duxford.

Thanks again chaps, glad you liked the pics.
Jeff, Mk.VI Spit had extended wing tips, along with some Mk.VIII - and at 05.45 hrs, I was still inspecting the inside of my eye lids !!.

It doesn't look like it in that last photo, but the wind was still strong and gusting, which is why the van's awning isn't rolled out. We started to roll it out, but the wind caught it, and one of the support arms came out of the rails, dropping onto my right hand, and nearly breaking the fingers !
After some exclamations such as '"Oh, bother !", and "Deary me, look what's happened", we quickly retracted the awning !

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