Airman 1st Class
A good way to justify buying aircraft kits is to explain to 'The Wife' themes.
My theme is to be the Focke Wulf fw190 family and the way to expand on the theme is to 'pick' the aces. The top ace gets a 1/48th aircraft and second and third get a 1/72nd.. This gives a great variety of finishes and adds an bit of fun.
My next theme is Fw190 Geschwader, a lot of help being given by Aircraft of WWII members!!!!!
I would like to build 'planes of the following pilots but wonder if anyone can confirm my findings. I've read a 'lot of contention' re claims, especially for the Ta152, and before parting with my 'hard earned coin', thought I could be corrected if I've 'got it wrong'.
Focke Wulf Fw190A aces Otto Kittel 287 victories
Walter Nowotny 255 victories
Kurt Bühlingen 112 victories
Focke Wulf Fw190D aces Heinz Marquardt 23 victories in Fw190D
Anton Hackl 20 victories in Fw190D
Hans Dortenmann 18 victories in fw190D
Focke Wulf Ta 152 aces Joseph Keil 8 victories in Ta152
Walter Loos 4 victories in Ta152
Willi Reschke 3 victories in Ta152
A lot of my research came from Kacha`s Luftwaffe Page
My theme is to be the Focke Wulf fw190 family and the way to expand on the theme is to 'pick' the aces. The top ace gets a 1/48th aircraft and second and third get a 1/72nd.. This gives a great variety of finishes and adds an bit of fun.
My next theme is Fw190 Geschwader, a lot of help being given by Aircraft of WWII members!!!!!
I would like to build 'planes of the following pilots but wonder if anyone can confirm my findings. I've read a 'lot of contention' re claims, especially for the Ta152, and before parting with my 'hard earned coin', thought I could be corrected if I've 'got it wrong'.
Focke Wulf Fw190A aces Otto Kittel 287 victories
Walter Nowotny 255 victories
Kurt Bühlingen 112 victories
Focke Wulf Fw190D aces Heinz Marquardt 23 victories in Fw190D
Anton Hackl 20 victories in Fw190D
Hans Dortenmann 18 victories in fw190D
Focke Wulf Ta 152 aces Joseph Keil 8 victories in Ta152
Walter Loos 4 victories in Ta152
Willi Reschke 3 victories in Ta152
A lot of my research came from Kacha`s Luftwaffe Page