Focke Wulf Ta-154A-1 Decals

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Shoot, I was afraid of that. I have plenty of crosses, and stuff, but am missing the letters, and numbers. I would usually just paint those on, but one of them is a Q on this plane, and that will take some doing. Thanks for the info, Wayne. :-k :)
What scale and colour is the letter? I've got a sheet of black Luftwaffe letters in 1/48th scale, and a few odds and ends; may be able to help out.
It's a 1/48 scale. The letters are TQXE. I have a couple of the letters, like an E and a T, but they are not the same size. I also find that I need two sets of larger letters for the sides of the aircraft, and two sets of small letters for the underside of the wings. I'm curious, where did you get those letters? I have looked all over the net, and still haven't found any like the ones I need. If you can help, I sure would appreciate it.
It's an old Microscale sheet I bought over twenty years ago, just for two letters IIRC !! It's no longer available now though. They are all one size, but some letters have more than one style. I'll check the dimensions and post a pic of the sheet here. They are all black aren't they?
Yeah, all black. Shoot, if they are ones that will fit on the sides, I could make due with those for now. They really should reissue that sheet of decals.
Found it, but looks like I've used the 'T' and 'X' letters!
Got the 'E', and 'Q' in two different styles. These are 12.5mm high, as shown. I might have 'T' and 'X' in USAAF lettering, in more than one size, from about 12mm down. Let me know if these are any use and, if so, PM an address and I'll post the letters to you.


  • Can Jan 339.jpg
    Can Jan 339.jpg
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If they're the right size, no problem, just send a tasty blonde, a case of wine, a P51B/C and a years supply of Avgas!
Send me an address in a PM and I'll get them in the mail to you. I'll send the other letters too, if I can match them for size and style. If you can let me know the approximate size for the underwing letters, I'll see if I can find some of those too.
I would print some for you, as black works OK on ink jet decal paper, but I'm out of clear decal paper, and printer ink! Keep forgetting to replace both!
LOL!!! :lol:

I've got lots of that stuff. I'll send it right to you immediately. :laughing6:

It looks like the letters are about 1/2" on both wings, and sides. I thought the sides would be bigger, but they look the same size compared to the crosses on the sides, and wings, which are evidently the same. The crosses on the top of the wings are bigger, but there are no designation letters there. Man, I really appreciate this. :smilecolros:

PM sent.
No problem. Got your PM, I'll see what I can find for the whole lot, and send what I have some time this week.
BTW, the blonde must not be over 5 ft 8 ins tall -- I don't mind what colour the P51 is!!
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! :cheers:

That would be really great, Wayne. I've still been searching the net, and still nothing, so I appreciate your offer.

Do you want the same payment Airframes wanted? :lol:
That's great Wayne, as the other decals I found are a slioghtly different style. I'll still send them though, as they can be used on the underside of the wing.
Does this qualify as a group build? Nah, I wouldn't want either of you to sully yourselves with my builds. :lol:

Thanks a lot guys.
Wayne, it occurs to me that sending those decals to me could be a bit costly for you. It momentarily slipped my mind that we are rather far apart, you being in Australia, and I in the USA. I would like those decals, but at least let me pay for postage. :oops:
Wayne, it occurs to me that sending those decals to me could be a bit costly for you. It momentarily slipped my mind that we are rather far apart, you being in Australia, and I in the USA. I would like those decals, but at least let me pay for postage. :oops:

Nope!...I'll take care of it...

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