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Imagine the reaction of Douglas Bader if Britain was defeated by Nazi Germany and the French fleet appeared at Scapa Flow to shoot at defenseless Home Fleet ships anchored there.
Pétain received his power from the National Assembly. Democratic elected representatives formally and legally considered the French State as the right successor of the Third Republic. Vichy France kept its neutrality even after British forces attacked Mers-el-Kebir, killing 1,297 French sailors. Despite this, Admiral Darlan ordered the fleet to scuttle its fine ships at Toulon to comply with compromises taken with its former allies, in 1940, that no French ship would serve under German flag.
"... Imagine the reaction of Douglas Bader if Britain was defeated by Nazi Germany and the French fleet appeared at Scapa Flow to shoot at defenseless Home Fleet ships anchored there. "
No disrespect pepe, but I find that analogy quite amusing.
Are you suggesting that the French Fleet have been left untouched as an instrument of the"legitimate" French gov't?
Sorry Pepe but I have to take issue with your statements. "Independent" Vichy France was no paragon of democracy. The Vichy leaders started shipping thousands of Jews - French citizens - to Germany before the Nazis even asked them to do so. There was absolutely no guarantee that the French fleet would remain independent, particularly since offers to have the Vichy fleet join Free French forces in the UK or sail to a non-combatant country like the USA were refused.
Hi pepe
i understand the point you are trying to make, but the analogy is just based on a false premise. whereas the french allowed their fleet to remain in harms way, with the potential to be captured and used by the enemy (the germans), the british would never have allowed that. The Royal navy was ordered to relocate to Canada, in the event that the british isles were occupied. Failing that, it would have scuttled.
The french never understood that. As for the reaction of someone like Bader, he would not have taken the loss of the fleet personally. he would simply have gotten on with the job and continued towards the defeat of the enemy. because britiain was never going to surrender, under any circumstances, the situation of the french, and the british just arent comparable
Where I say Vichy was a paragon of democracy?
Nazi incompetence if that equals Goering Incompetence then you may have a small point, however the RAF had its moments of madness.Britain survived thanks to a mix of Nazi incompetence and corruption and a lot of luck.
You might equally say 'imagine the RAF with Whirlwinds instead of Blenhiem and Defiant fighters, far superior'. Few would deny that the Defiant and Blenhiem fighters were examples of British incompetence, Germany didn't have a monopoly on stupid mistakes.Just imagine Heinkel He100 or FW187 instead of BF110 at Zestorer Geshwader at Battle of Britain. They have the same range and were superior, but Udet was suspiciously a Messerschmitt unconditional partisan.
On that I can agree with youEvery time I saw the great film about Battle of Britain I imagined what could happen and I thank God for the few that defeated Nazi Germany.
Missed the bit when the Aussies and Kiwis and others packed up and went homeBritain stood alone after all of Europe fell. .
Missed the bit when the Aussies and Kiwis and others packed up and went home