Future Plans

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Nov 15, 2015
Reinholds, PA
I was wondering if anyone had any future plans. (Making models, Moving, Occupation changes, ETC.)
For example: I plan on setting up a wood shop in my garage and making furniture.
The idea is if you find somebody on the form with similar plans you can exchange ideas.

I'm commuting to Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. While going to college I'm living in my parent's house at the moment.
We make and restore pens as a hobby. My dad restores Ester-brook pens and makes handmade pens in our basement.

Right now we have a 12" miter-saw, scroll saw, Table top reciprocating saw, and a Lathe. His hand mades include fountain pens, click pens,
Screw pens, Bolt-action pens and now lever action pens. We get our pen parts from Pen State. We can also add a stylus nib at the end.

Like I said in the beginning. We plan to clean out the garage, add insulation and get it set up as a wood shop. He'll make pens and I'll make decorative cases for the pens.

It's just a hobby art the moment, but my dream is to make furniture. I may not own a big fancy house, but I will save labor by making whatever furniture I need or want.
Not to mention the feeling that comes from saying, "I'm eating with my family on a table that I made."
Sounds good to me Mike - and all idiots, Politicians and revisionists, if they try to enter the country, will immediately find re-employment in the country's sewage works, unless there are no further vacancies, in which case they have a choice - deportation, or be shot for being in possession of an idiotic brain.
Wife and me are planning to buy a flat/apartment, or maybe an old house (so the starting proce is reasonable) and then 'upgrade' it with time. The current apartment is too small, plus we don't have any garage, just a tiny toolshed. Luckily the wether here is okay, and last time someone robbed or stole a car was parhaps 10 years ago, at least in the 20 km around us.
But main job will be to make our two daughters grow up, and for that we don't have a major plan about doing it.
Tomo, Advice from One who raised TWO: Withdraw completely and totally, turn them over to your wife and never look back. It will save you untolled amounts of grief, heartache, anger, frustration, etc. It is a NO-WIN situation. You will soon learn why your wife's father looked at you with a jaundiced eye. He knew, as you will, exactly what is on the mind of the horney little buggers that will come sniffing around.

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