Kurfurst (Dr. Millei Adam) is an extremely knowledgable LW aircraft performance expert. He was banned but I remained in contact and he was very helpful to me when I devoted a chapter to comparative performance of P-51B-1 (pre 85 gal fuse tank, P-47D-6, P-38J-10(pre 55g LE tanks),Bf 109G-6 (DB 60A at 1.3 ata), FW 190A-6 w/BMW 801D-2 at 1.42 for late 1943 in Speed vs Altitude and Climb Rate vs Altitude - all at max internal load combat weight. The US fighter peformance tabulation included wing rack for P-51 and P-38, and C/L for P-47.The 109 and 190 were tabulated w/o 503 or 501 racks. The next comparisons were for March through May prior to D-Day to consider upgrades to range for US fighters with dominant models vs increase in capability for LW.ok maybe he wasnt banned, might be mixing him up with someone else !
my apologies
The second set were for P-51B-10 w/85 gal fuse tank and wing rack, P-38 J-15 with 55 gal LE tanks and wing pylons, P-47D-10/-11 with W/I and C/L rack, Bf 109G-6 at 1.42 ata, Fw 190A-8 at 1.42 ata, clean - no ETC racks.
It was hard to nail down the entire LW performance data unti I reached out to Kurfurst, who supplied me with the specific data I was looking for to ensure accurate'best cases' for combat comparisons between the 8th AF and LW fighters most likely to engage. I definitely aimed at likely combat confing of US fighters with external increased drag due to fuel pylons vs clean LW fighter to maintain level playing field of capabilities with full internal combat load outs.