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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Opens in 11 days. I need to check some dates for some Dewoitine D.520 schemes though I think I may fall out just North of the time frame. Time to start quibbling gents
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Geez time is flying. Not sure I'll have time to enter anything in this GB either. Still away for a week then 4 more weeks of reno work on the house then a week kayaking on the west coast. Mid Sept before I'm free and clear I think.
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Opens in 11 days. I need to check some dates for some Dewoitine D.520 schemes though I think I may fall out just North of the time frame. Time to start quibbling gents

I hope this one isn't outside the qualifying dates...... it's what I got for the build!!!!!!
Tell me it's okay!
Many ex-French D-520s, as opposed to those built under LW supervision, were seized from the extensive French reserves captured after the surrender in June. it is not necessarily the case that aircraft in LW livery (as training units mostly) were built outside the specified time period of the GB. What is true, however is that D-520s did not begin to enter LW TOEs until April 1941. That LW scheme cannot be older than April 1941.
Many of the units passed to the LW were onsold to axis satellites, including at least 50 to Italy in 1942 and Rumania at about the same time. however I believe most of these a/c transfers were from seized stocks after the Nazis overran Vichy on the continent. .
The kit decals are good Bill with the exception of Option 3

The one I wanted to do, out of the time frame...

this link provides some information on the timing of Vichy aircraft markings

Markings of Germany's Co-Belligerents

It states

"French Vichy Air Force
After the French Armistice, the Vichy Goverment was formed, which in many ways was co-operating with the Germans. Eventually this resulted in some fighting between the Vichy and Allied forces, mostly in Africa and the Middle East, and as such I will treat the Vichy as co-belligerants, though they technically are not. The first post-armistice markings had been the standard French cocarde and tri-color, to which was added a white arrow along the fuselage. From 1941 onward the arrow was replaced by a yellow tail, with or without red stripes, and often a yellow cowling (again, with or without red stripes)."

So from formation of Vichy to March or April 1941, there was an alternate scheme applied that involved a white fuselage arrow, but after march 1941 it was more or less the scheme shown below, which seems the same as the one you show in your drawings.

Vichy was formed, in theory from 25 June1940, but the new govt did not formally meet until 10 July, around the time of mers el kebir. Vichy forces were involved in heavy fighting in Indochina from November 1940, and air units began active operations from either late September or early October, but not in the livery that you have. Ive only seen the early war Vichy camo schemes once or twice, but I will try and dig it up .....who knows might be easy....

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Here is the appearance of the D.520, No. 277,of the GC III/6, taken in June 1940 soon after the armistance with Germany in late June 1940. I would say it is enough to apply the standard French markings omitting the white arrow, the white ring for the roundels and the slanted strip on the fuselage in order to get her appearance during the Battle of France.

the pic source: the net...
Great. Could you confirm my idea of removing the additionall markings for the Battle of the France?
Yes Wojtek, as I wrote above, the illustration seems to be ok for May/June 1940 => but a correction: ok from 13 June 1940, the date when GCIII/6 was re-equiped with D520s at Le Luc.

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