GB-52 1/48 Blenheim Mk.IV - Heavy Hitters IV

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Thanks chaps.
I'm still plodding on, although it's taking longer than I anticipated. But to be fair, a lot of this is due to my stiff hands, not the kit parts.
Hoping to make some more progress tonight - pics when there's something to show.
Sorry for the lack of up-dates - been trying to find some motivation. Also, Windows 10 has changed the method of up-loading pics from my cameras, which has been driving me nuts, and slowing things down considerably !
Anyway, I'm plodding on, and getting close to some actual construction. As with most Classic Airframes kits, there's a lot of prep needed, including the removal of burrs, ejection pins, and in this case, opening some windows which are only engraved on the surface. There is also a total lack of locating pins, which means that short strips of plastic will be needed, cemented inside the fuselage halves, to help in alignment and joining.
The pics below show some of this, with large ejector pin stubs having to be removed, with the tail fin pins in particular causing fouling, preventing the fuselage halves from joining .
There should be a small window immediately aft of the cockpit, on both sides, and this was only engraved. The area only measures 2.5 x 1.75mm, so this was carefully drilled, and then opened using a scalpel, before filing around the edges. This will be "plugged" to mask for painting, and then glazed later, using PVA.
I'm hoping to start some "real" work over the weekend and, with luck, I may get the cockpit and nose area assembled, painted and installed - fingers crossed !
Thanks chaps.
Had a slight delay, as I've spent 36 hours in bed, hardly able to move, with "frozen" muscles in both arms and neck - very painful !!
Don't know where that came from, as I was fine before, but at least it's easing off now, and I hope to get back to the bench in the next day or so.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks chaps.
The pain and stiffness finally concentrated in my neck muscles, but thankfully, that's now easing off considerably, after just over four days of hell.
Main thing slowing things down now is lack of sleep ( probably a maximum of around 12 hours over a 100 hour period ), plus a couple of clinic appointments I have to attend, prior to clearance to commence the new medication.
All being well, I should get back to work on the model later this week, although it's 50/50 whether or not I get it finished in time., but we'll see.

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