GB-57 1/48 Mustang Mk. IV - WW2 Foreign Service

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
Username : donivanp
First name : Don
Category : intermediate
Scale : 1/48
Manufacturer / Model : Eduard P-51D-15 (Over Trees)
Extras: Quinta Studio P-51D Late Mustang Interior, Eduard "Look" P-51D-15 set, Euro Decals

South African Air Force operated RAF Mustangs in Italy through the end of the war and than returned the aircraft back to the RAF. The subject aircraft of this build shall be Mustang Mk. IV code GLoN nicknamed Sweetpea of No. 5 squadron.

Biggest concern about this subject is the lack of photographic evidence I can find on the subject. There are many profile drawings like the one below but photos I'm coming up short.

No. 5 Squadron.

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Question for all you smart people.
British Mustangs, standard US interior paint (interior green, chromate green yellow) or were they repainted in British colors? Seem that would be a waste of time at the time but not the first time that has happened.

Any photos of the subject would be great, any info as well.
OK so let's all recall what to dope on the Mustang wing......

OK so according to my recollection, (ain't so good these dazes) Red arrow fill in Green arrow stays! Am I close?
Questions for the group, Main gear bay P-51D, Chromate? NMF top and ribbing chromate? all NMF?
As I understand from the factory the top of the gear bay (aka wheel well) was NMF and the ribbing and sides were NMF.
All photos I can find are from late period or planes in privet hand and they all have chromate well's. I can see after the war the well's being painted for preservation so I'm not really sure. Richard A. Franks states that it should be the NMF top and ribbing chromate. Taking all inputs on this.

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