GB-63 1/48 Macchi C.202 "Folgore" - Stormy Weather

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Thanks Berny5664 Berny5664 , good catch. Black they will be!

In the meantime, I got a start on the Nocciola Chiaro 4 base coat. The Tamiya mix I used so far is XF59:6 + XF64:2 + XF2:1 based on a mix document I have for the FS30219 equivalent. Not sure I'm quite seeing it yet bit it's a thin coat so far.


As I suspected, I didn't spend enough time on the wing seams. I had a gap open up on one side whilst trying to fix the dihedral but I thought I fixed it. Obviously not.


It's one of the reasons I squirted on just a little bit of the mix and I'll now go back and apply some surface primer to the leading edges. The other side can use some too.


So, filling and sanding to come and I'll then be in a position to show you something again, maybe tomorrow. Thanks again for following and for the tips and nods.
Base colours have been finished and I applied a gloss coat and wet sanded things down. I just can't seem to get mirror finishes when gloss coating. This time I used some Vallejo stuff and it didn't work well at all.

Anyway, I pencilled in the smoke rings in preparation for air-brushing these on. I have tried to replicate the pattern as best as I could based on what can be seen in the posted reference pics but the rest will be conjecture. I'll report back when I've gathered my wits and made a start to the rings.

First session of jittery free-hand smoke rings is finished - an hour and a half to do one side of the fuselage. I can't quote the paint/thinner ratio exactly as I tweaked it as I went. Needless to say it was very thin. AB pressure showed 11psi on my inaccurate regulator. I show this with zero fixes made so you can see how rough the results are when you get in really close with the camera. These imperfections will be toned down with more limited passes of the base brown to shoo away the spiders, overspray, and too-thick ring areas.


It went reasonably well - I give it a 6 out of 10 - though more experienced hands with $700 airbrushes would no doubt have produced a better result.

Oh, and here's the prop assembled after all the different paints have been applied. A coat of clear is to come, then decals, then a flat coat and weathering.


More to come as I plow through this project. Thanks for the looks and comments.
Thank-you gentlemen, too kind.

Another session today. The nozzle needs to be cleaned after every ring and the airbrush drained and cleaned after maybe 5 rings. Plenty of warts despite this but I continue to plow through.


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