GB-63 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt - Stormy Weather (1 Viewer)

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Here's my first build update. Working through the first steps which is always the cockpit. Placards and stencils added from Airscale. Tamiya has you painting the headrest brown but in the pictures I have seen they are usually black so I went with that. I also accented the rivets that hold it place on the armour plate. I left the map box in yellow zinc chromate for visual interest. Might not be accurate for a D-20 P-47D but perhaps on a P-47C. Just now working through the IP.

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Thanks Guys, I am enjoying the build so far. Haven't had much bench time but despite that I think I am making good progress. I should mention that I used a mixture of RAF cockpit green from Tamiya and AK real color U.S. cockpit interior green to get the colour used.
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Guys, need your help. What are these? I don't see them on any P-47D's and they are not on the Tamiya box art. After scouring the net I found the below picture which is apparently a P-47D-22 with a Malcolm hood. Are they mirrors?

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