**** DONE: GB-63 1/48 Hawker Typhoon 1B - Stormy Weather

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Thanks again all.

Tackled the bomb painting today. Started with the light green band:


The green band was masked with bendy tape, then I painted the tail cone XF-67 NATO Green, masked that and painted the rest of the body with XF-58 Olive Green.


Masks peeled, red bands hand painted (meh...) and detailed parts finish painted.

Thanks once again. Third day in a row that I've been at the bench as I got a cold bug that's kept me at home. Good for model progress though!

Glad you like the bombs Karl. Today I grunged them up with dust and mud splatter. They should have some white stenciling but I didn't have any decals to suit so left this feature off.


The canopy has been cleaned up, though these brutal close-ups show dust on the inside that I can't see otherwise. The chip where the broken sprue attachment was has been adequately fixed.


Resin exhausts have been painted with a mix of Tamiya colours. A blend of Metallic Grey and NATO Brown was laid down first, followed by a thin wash of blue on the bodies and white at the tips.


Walkways were masked and painted in NATO Black. I used the same paint with more thinner to add the exhaust stains.


The exhausts were then glued in and the finished prop was glued on. This also got the grubiness treatment including bare metal wear on the backs pf the blades.


That's it for today. Tomorrow will see the addition of the final bits. Thanks again for the looks and likes.
Thanks everyone. The finishing touches have been added and I'll let the model sit for a day for final inspections before posting the finished pics.

On the underside, the retractable step, IFF antenna (scaled to 18 inches), and "boat" antenna have been finished off.


Up top, the whip antenna for the VHF radio set was added from stretched sprue scaled to 27 inches.


And then....the bombs. What a fiddly load of work these turned out to be. I found that one of them had the stabilizers glued on incorrectly so that they would not fit into the matching holes on the carrier so I had to remove one and, in doing so, I broke the very fragile ends. Long story short, it took forever to mount the damned things and, in hindsight, it would have been better to glue the stabilizers to the carriers first and then add the bombs, which is contrary to what I thought would be the easier solution. Anyway, the bombs are mounted and secure but somewhat misaligned, though not horribly. I'll need to live with the less than perfect result. I also added new deflector plates at the shell and link ejector ports which I lost earlier.


That's it for today. I'll post a few more final shots tomorrow along with the Finished Pics thread. Thanks once again for looking in.

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