G'day from Australia

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 17, 2006
Brisbane Queensland
My name is David. I recently joined this website. And I am interested to find out more about the site and the people who use it. As you may have gathered yes I am an Aussie from Brisbane Queensland Australia. I am 47 and the son of a airman who saw service with not only the Australian Army early in WW2 but my father also saw service with 467 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). He was a mid upper gunner on a Mk11 type Avro Lancaster.. He was based at RAF Waddington Lincolnshire from 1944 to 1945. 467 RAAF Squadron was attached to 5th Bomber Group. I have some family photographs of a wartime Lancaster and her crew which belonged to my late father. I also have in my possession 467 Squadron records operational accounts from 1943 to 1945 and if any one is interested I can try and copy said details as the ops book is rather large and will not fit on my scanner. But as I said, I do have some photos to share dating from December 1944 and a photo of my father taken in 1973 when he returned back to RAF Waddington for a visit. So please feel free to contact me. I look forward to it

best regards
Welcome, we'd love to see some photos![/QU[/I][/B]buddy no worries. what would you like. a view from astrodome looking back at midupper gunner frasier nash turret. whilst aircraft was taxiing to go on mission or the various crew positions with crew. a full side photo taken from port side of a 467 Squadron Lancaster at tarmac or a photo taken in 1973 with 2 RAF warrant officers and my father at waddington :)
flyboy. if you go and have a look at my album for Emac44 i have posted a few photos for your decernment. let me know what you think ok:popcorn:
welcome! i'm quite a lancaster fan myself and would love to hear more, one query though- 467 didn't operate the Mk.II... a typo? either way i'll go have a look at these pictures now! thanks.......
yep just been to have a look- a lot of unusual shots in there thanks for posting! the only lanc i could see the code of was a PO-B, which, owing to the late 44 timeframe we can narrow down to being DV396, a Mk.I lost on the 2nd of November 1944, and it doesn't appear there were any more PO-Bs after this one, which joined the squadron in October '44, so if these photos were of late '44 vintage (which they appear to be looking at one of the cockpit panels), that's the lanc it'll be :thumbright:
yes it is POB Baker. was my father's Lancaster. it was lost and crashed in 1947. but the aircraft survived the war as did the crew. and according to Squadron records 467 operated marks 1s and 111s. and again PB762 took part in a raid on hamburg march7/8th 1945. as i said i have Squadron Operation Records Book. A copy my father had made up when he retired from RAAF in 1975. Not sure how he got it but i have it with me at moment. unfortunately i can scan a few pages but it being so large bit hard to scan all of it. what i can do is take a web cam photo of it best i can and post it. hope that suffices
this's very odd... according to my records PB762 did serve with 467sqn but wes never assigned PO-B, you're right though she did crash on the 17th October 1945 to be scrapped the following june... but what does your records book say about squadron markings for the aircraft in question?
this's very odd... according to my records PB762 did serve with 467sqn but wes never assigned PO-B, you're right though she did crash on the 17th October 1945 to be scrapped the following june... but what does your records book say about squadron markings for the aircraft in question?

I can only go on what the Operations Record Book says in the pages typed and recorded as such. As you would summize aircraft were alotted to crews. Mostly PB762 was operated and flown by my father's crew until the end of the war in Europe and this was the aircraft he referred to mostly. On occassions records show they were alotted another aircraft if PB762 was in for say repairs. The later part i am only assuming so don't quote me per batim. As for the what aircraft was flown say in March 1945 as i stated in the raid on Hamburg that is what appears in official records of the Squadron for that nights raid on 7th/8th March 1945 and flown by which crew. For example Lancaster 1 RF140 flown by F/L Cross and his crew flew on same raid. Unfortunately Records Book it appears doesn't mention Squadron Marking so i can't help you with that. However to another lesser point the first page i have in Record Book refers to a cricket match being won by 467 Squadron over her sister Squadron 463. Both these Squadrons being RAAF owe their origin to 460 Squadron RAAF. But i can tell you out of my fathers crew there were 5 Aussies and 1 Englishman and 1 Welshman as you know most wartime Squadrons were virtually composite of crew ground and other servicemen and women coming from various parts of the Commonwealth to make up Squadrons. Out of 7 crew members making up my dad's crew there are only 2 left. There was a site dedicated to 467/463 RAAF Squadrons on the net but unfortunately it has closed. I don't know why, but it did go into detail about Squadron history and Squadron origins and markings but as i said it has closed and i don't know why it has closed. If it opens again i will let you know:)
G'day back to you, Im a newbie too, welcome to the board!

Regards Wayne down in South Oz.

I liked your models wayne they looked rather smicko mate. keep up the work mate. its a relaxing hobby if i recall and unfortunately i was never as good as you building models as you are. You obviously go into a lot of detail and historical avenue about the models then i would ever dream off :D
this's very odd... according to my records PB762 did serve with 467sqn but wes never assigned PO-B, you're right though she did crash on the 17th October 1945 to be scrapped the following june... but what does your records book say about squadron markings for the aircraft in question?

The only thing i can think of mate there seems to be decripancies in information you have and what i have. and i suppose we could debate this til the cows come home and neither of us would achieve much in it. but the one thing i will agree to is this Lancasters kicked arse and their brave indominable crews did their job and by no means is that to:idea: say other Squadrons from other nations didn't preform as valiantly. just like you i am a Lancaster fan as well. seems you have a rival in Lancaster appreciation hahaha
this's very odd... according to my records PB762 did serve with 467sqn but wes never assigned PO-B, you're right though she did crash on the 17th October 1945 to be scrapped the following june... but what does your records book say about squadron markings for the aircraft in question?

I got embroiled into your Lancaster vs B25 debate. i can't believe the amount of forum discussion that it has evolved into 28 odd pages. that is incrediable to say the very least. i am enjoying it though and love the old photos that other debaters put into the forum. you certainly put a cat amongst the pigeons in that poll and debate hahaha
this's very odd... according to my records PB762 did serve with 467sqn but wes never assigned PO-B, you're right though she did crash on the 17th October 1945 to be scrapped the following june... but what does your records book say about squadron markings for the aircraft in question?

I am just looking at the old photos i have here. 3 in particular. one shows my father standing next to a fusalagre entrance and clearly over his left shoulder you can make out the letters PB and numbers 7 and obscured other number i am presuming is 6. another photo shows my father astride the lancaster facing towards the tail with what i presume are the tops of letters say PO its the starbard side of the aircraft


  • Group photos 467 RAAF Squadron.JPG
    Group photos 467 RAAF Squadron.JPG
    97.3 KB · Views: 65
  • Single Photos Crew Members 467 Squadron RAAF.JPG
    Single Photos Crew Members 467 Squadron RAAF.JPG
    73.9 KB · Views: 79

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