German "Signal" magazine from 1940...

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Senior Airman
Jan 30, 2007
I found a few more "war time" magazines, so I thought I would share them. I hope that these have not been uploaded already, but the search engine seems to be a little unreliable (lol). Anyway...I hope you enjoy.

I think that I have a few issues of "Der Alder" that are missing (for download) here...but I have to sit down and go through them, so I can figure out which ones need to be uploaded.

View attachment Signal 1940 04.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 05.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 06.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 07.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 08.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 09.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 010.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 011.pdf

View attachment Signal 1940 012.pdf

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