Getting started with IL2 (1 Viewer)

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Airman 1st Class
Sep 26, 2009
Bilambil Heights
Hello all

I've toyed with the idea of getting into Il2 a few times and never actually done it, some of my AHII squadmates dabble a little but always end up back in AHII and the fact that Oleg flys AHII a fair bit now generally makes me think that I'm better off where I am. I'm going to get started up anyway, so I'm looking for advice from other players. Should I wait for a new release? What needs to be downloaded and what are some common problems found when getting set up.
Thanks in advance.
I think you'd enjoy IL-2: 1946...

It has plenty of options, aircraft and more that'll keep you occupied for quite some time. There's also a good number of folks that run it in multi-player, so you'll always be able to find a brawl to get into.

I know there's a huge following of the "mods", but for the beginner, I'd recommend simply getting the game, and get used to how it feels and works, then start enhancing it as you go along.

We just covered the system requirements in a recent thread:, so this may answer any questions you may have about what it takes to run '46 on your machine.

And as always, you have any questions about the game, just holler and we'll lend a hand!
thanks for the reply and love the avatar, one question already. Does it support its own vox or do you use ventrillo or teamspeak or the likes?
You will have to you Teamspeak for any communication, as it doesnt have VOX like AHII does. Also the viewing system is totally different than AHII, and that is a big thing to get over. I like IL2 cause of the engine management system. ITs not always firewalled like AHII, you have to keep her cool, plus with fuel mixtures and changing superchager speed with altitude, its a little bit more advanced.
Aces High II give it a free 2 week trial if you like combat flight sims. The people are almost as entertaining as the game itself. Good FM, Reasonable DM and up to 400 people in the main late war arena. The main catch for AHII for me is the FSO Friday Squad opperations and the scenarios all the rest is really just practice.

heres a link to the main page

Welcome to Aces High
I too just purchased IL2 1946 (its V4.08), but I downloaded it from IGN for the meager sum of $10.

I'm amazed by the graphics and attention to detail... having never played any of the previous IL2 titles.

However, I'm regretting not having some kind of instruction booklet... I read about people talking about certain commands and hotkeys that don't seem to be listed on the controls menu on the game.

This is also by far the most challenging flying game I've ever played... I seem to be constantly stalling engines and can't get them to re-start.

Also, what joysticks to you guys prefer? My old Microsoft Sidewider is letting me down.... I can't program any of the buttons and I've never been too happy about the range of motion or the "twist stick" rudder.
is forgotten battles good? because i ordered that the other day and didnt know
Forgotten Battles is a great part of the IL-2 series and be sure to get all the Ubi patches that make it completely updated and give you additional aircraft.

You'll like it alot, heck, I still fly it (I have Aces Expansion on mine) and even posted some screenshots this last weekend.

...However, I'm regretting not having some kind of instruction booklet... I read about people talking about certain commands and hotkeys that don't seem to be listed on the controls menu on the game.
There should be a .PDF included with the game that contains the complete manual. If you don't see a key assigned to a certain function, you will have to assign one yourself. This should be explained in that .PDF (unless it's a mod people are discussing) or if you have any probs, someone here can lend a hand.
This is also by far the most challenging flying game I've ever played... I seem to be constantly stalling engines and can't get them to re-start.
Here's a thread that discusses this:
Or check your "Complex Engine Management" setting...If you have it selected, and you haven't gotten all your keys assigned, you may not be operating the engine with all the right controls needed for flight.

Also, what joysticks to you guys prefer? My old Microsoft Sidewider is letting me down.... I can't program any of the buttons and I've never been too happy about the range of motion or the "twist stick" rudder.
I'm a huge fan of the Saitek X52 Flight System. Great utility to assign button presets, too.
I found the manual

So now I am doing a bit better.... I've redone the hotkeys to group key systems together which has helped, and even go all the buttons on my aged Sidewider to work.

I even shot done my first enemy planes... although normally I wouldn't tell eveybody I picked on Me 323s, but man can they absorb some damage!

First one disintegrated, but I pumped the other full of cannon shells and it just kept going and going... all gunners dead an not returning fire... 4 engines burning.... huge holes in the wings. It finally went down but wow....

Haven't made a single successful landing yet.... but I'm close enough I survive every time my gear collapses.
Of course 8)

First thing I did was turn off stalls and spins and complex engine management.... Making it a bit tougher than my old sims but not too tough.
The only advanced difficulty option I'd suggest eliminating for the beginner iis complex engine management. I think starting right off with easy landings, easy gunnery, no stalls, etc, really gives you a crutch and doesn't really help you learn how to fly the planes and manage realistically limited ammo loadouts. My suggestion is to set up lots of QMBs against unarmed bombers to learn how to manuever, aim and shoot. Try to always fly with the cockpit on. IT is certainly easier and more fun to turn it off and see everything in front of you (plus it looks like the gun camera footage we are all used to seeing), but it's really unrealistic and makes deflection shooting way too easy

One other "easy" thing I always keep on are the padlock option and outside views. One reason is because Il2 is so beautiful to watch and I want to watch my planes. The other is that, unless you have TrackIR or something like that (I don't) the default views and hat switch controls really don't give you a realistic way of keeping situational awareness. Plus, I typically play off-line and AI planes can see through themselves and clouds with X-ray vision, so why can't I?

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