Just a few simple glider tug questions:
I guess when using transport aircraft, C-47s or Ju-52s the tugs were flown empty? Or did they carry paratroops?
The RAF used Halifaxes, Stirlings, and Albemarles, right? Any other types widely used?
USAAF just used C-47s? Did the Navy use R4Ds when they tested their gliders?
Did the Japanese make much use of gliders? (I know there were a few experiments, but don't know of any operational use)
Anyway, just wondering. Sorry for the stupid questions.
I guess when using transport aircraft, C-47s or Ju-52s the tugs were flown empty? Or did they carry paratroops?
The RAF used Halifaxes, Stirlings, and Albemarles, right? Any other types widely used?
USAAF just used C-47s? Did the Navy use R4Ds when they tested their gliders?
Did the Japanese make much use of gliders? (I know there were a few experiments, but don't know of any operational use)
Anyway, just wondering. Sorry for the stupid questions.